Welcome to NionUI documentation!

NionUI is a toolkit for building desktop user interfaces (UI) in Python. It includes tools for declarative UI programming through simple Python dicts. It was primarily created to implement the Nion Swift application.

The toolkit includes a specific backend to work in conjunction with NionUI-Launcher, which is a high performance Qt-based UI hosting application. NionUI-Launcher provides a Python environment in which to run and an API to implement the user interface exposed by NionUI.

At its base, the toolkit provides a basic application, menu, and window system. The windows are constructed using widgets, which are standard UI elements such as buttons and text edit fields. The toolkit also provides canvas items, which are special widgets that can be displayed using explicit drawing commands similar to HTML canvas items.

In addition to the explicit widget and canvas item capabilities, the toolkit provides a declarative UI.

With the declarative features of NionUI, you construct your UI by defining a Python dict which describes your UI and its connections to Python handlers. NionUI provides functions to help you construct the Python dict quickly and easily and connect it to your application specific code.

Introduction to the Declarative UI

The declarative features allow you to have a clean separation between the UI and your code for handling the UI.

from nion.ui import Application
from nion.ui import Declarative

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.label_item = None
        self.click_count = 0

    def button_clicked(self, widget):
        self.click_count += 1
        self.label_item.text = _("Clicked") + " " + str(self.click_count)

def main(args, bootstrap_args):
    ui = Declarative.DeclarativeUI()
    button = ui.create_push_button(text=_("Hello World"), on_clicked="button_clicked")
    label = ui.create_label(name="label_item", text=_("Not Clicked"))
    column = ui.create_column(button, label, spacing=8)
    window = ui.create_window(column, title=_("Hello World"), margin=12)
    handler = Handler()
    return Application.run_window(args, bootstrap_args, window, handler)

At the top, a Handler class is defined which includes a property label_item and a method button_clicked which will be connected to the UI. It also includes a property click_count that will be used separately.

The main function begins by creating a ui object which will help construct the Python dict representing the layout.

With the ui object, a button is declared. The button declares that the on_clicked event will be connected to the button_clicked method of the handler.

Next, a label is declared. By specifying name to the label, the declarative UI engine will store the label instance into the handler when the UI is run (the label_item property in the handler).

Next, a column is declared with the button and label in the column, and both are but into a window declaration.

Next, an instance of Handler is created.

Finally, the window and handler are passed to Application.run_window which constructs the window UI, connects it to the handler, and presents the UI to the user.

The window variable is a Python dictionary. It gets connected to the Handler in the Application.run_window method. The dictionary looks like this:

{'content': {'children': [{'on_clicked': 'button_clicked',
                           'text': 'Hello World',
                           'type': 'push_button'},
                          {'name': 'label_item',
                           'text': 'Not Clicked',
                           'type': 'text_label'}],
             'spacing': 8,
             'type': 'column'},
 'margin': 12,
 'title': 'Hello World',
 'type': 'window'}

User Interface Backends

NionUI is intended to provide a Python oriented user interface API. You might consider it to be a wrapper on a lower level API such as Qt. However, it is more general in that other low level UI’s could be used as long as a specific implementation of UserInterface is provided for those lower level UI’s.

Currently only two low level implementations are provided:

  • A NionUI-Launcher implementation in C++ based directly on Qt.

  • A TestUI user interface, used for testing.

An HTML/JavaScript implementation is also in the works.

Declarative UI

The declarative features allow you to have a clean separation between the UI and your code for handling the UI.

A declaration is split into a description (a Python dict, serializable to JSON) and a handler (code). This tookit takes care of connecting the declaration to the handler when the declaration is attached to a window or other real UI.

Since the declaration is a Python dict (serializable to JSON), the declarative part of the UI can be stored in a JSON text file. This opens the possibility of having a graphical editor for the declarative part, which reads and write the JSON text file. A graphical editor is not yet available.

The declarative UI can be built explicitly using methods of a DeclarativeUI class or by providing an explicit dict. This guide assumes it will be built using the DeclarativeUI class and explicit methods.

The declarative UI provides top level support for windows and dialogs.

It also provides support for layout into rows, columns, and stacks.

It provides labels, push buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, line edits, progress bars, radio buttons, sliders, groups, and tabs.

It provides experimental support for compositions (reusable UI sections).

And finally it provides support for binding UI elements to your application specific code using bindings and converters.


The goal of the UI is to connect user actions to your code. The declarative UI does this by an object that you provide called the handler.

When a declarative UI is instantiated it is turned into layouts and widgets that are displayed to the user. You can get access to specific widgets, bind to parts of those widgets such as a text label, and respond to events such as a button click.

To do all of these things, your declaration specifies how to make these connections to your handler.

Handler Lifecycle

For your top level handler, you will typically write the class yourself, initializing properties and providing methods as explained below.

You will instantiate your handler yourself and pass the instance to the declarative UI engine along with the Python dict which describes your UI.

The declarative UI engine will build the widgets and put them in the appropriate container (such as a window) and then connect the widgets, events, bindings, etc. to your handler.

For the most part, your handler can be initialized in its __init__ method. However, at the point the handler is created, it will not have access to any of the UI widgets.

Assuming your UI description is in a variable layout and that your handler class is named Handler, initializing the declarative UI might look something like this:

layout = build_ui_layout()
handler = Handler()
Declarative.run_dialog(layout, handler)

During run_dialog, the declarative UI engine will populate properties of your handler connected to the UI, inject useful objects such as _event_loop, and then call the method init_handler which can be used to initialize any values that require the UI to be in place.

Your handler can do any further initialization of the widgets in init_handler.

Connecting Widgets

Most widgets declarations provide an optional name parameter. If you pass a string value for name, the widget asssociated with that declaration will be stored into your handler under the name property.

For instance, let’s say you create a button with the following method:

button = ui.create_push_button(text="Push Me", name="my_button")

Once your handler has been initialized, the PushButtonWidget associated with your declaration will be stored in the property my_button of your handler.

This gives you direct access to the widget in your handler. Sometimes this is necessary, although direct widget access may limit future compatibility, so it should be used sparingly.

Connecting Strings

Some widgets, such as a label and group, display text. For those widgets, you can provide that text directly when creating the widget.

button = ui.create_push_button(text="Push Me", name="my_button")

In the code above, the text “Push Me” is passed to the create_push_button method and will appear as the text of the button.

This may seem obvious, but be sure to note the distinction between the string passed as text and the string passed as name. The string passed as text is used directly in the UI and displayed to the user. The string passed as name is used as a property name on your handler in which to store the PushButtonWidget instance.

In the binding section described below, you will see how to bind the text of the label to a variable in your handler.

Connecting References

Many widgets, such as check boxes, have associated values that can be set from code or changed by the user. For those widgets, you can provide a handler property which holds the value.

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.enabled = False

check_box = ui.create_check_box(text="Enable", name="enable_cb", checked="enabled")

As before, the label string displayed to the user is passed as text. The CheckBoxWidget is stored into the handler under the property enable_cb using the name property.

But in this case, by passing “enabled” as the checked parameter, the state of the checkbox will be initialized with the enabled value in the handler. And when the user clicks on the checkbox, the enabled property of the handler will be changed to reflect the checked state.


Many widgets, such as buttons, trigger events that can invoke methods in the handler.

class Handler:
    def handle_click(self):

push_button = ui.create_push_button(text="Push Me", on_clicked="handle_click")

In this case, the string “handle_click” passed as the parameter on_clicked indicates that the event on_clicked should call the method handle_click on the handler when the user clicks the button.

Each widget defines its own set of events and each event may have unique parameters. Refer the documentation for the specific widget for detailed information.


As you use string values, references, and events, a pattern will emerge where a value associated with a UI element will be connected to the handler, you will listen for the changed event for that value, and you will update the widget when the value changes.

The declarative UI engine provides a mechanism called binding which streamlines this pattern through the use of property models, converters, and events.

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.enabled_model = Model.PropertyModel(False)
        self.enabled_model.on_value_changed = self.enabled_changed

    def enabled_changed(self, widget, new_enabled):
        print(f"Enabled changed to {new_enabled}")

check_box = ui.create_check_box(text="Enabled", value="@binding(enabled_model.value)")

In the example above, the handler provides a model named enabled_model to hold the value of the enabled property. The handler attaches a listener to the model that gets called when the value of the model changes. Finally, the declaration for the check box indicates that the value will bind to the value of the model enabled_model.value.

Using this technique, interacting with the enabled value is easy. Just get and set the value from the enabled_model.

If you wanted to connect a button to reset the value of enabled, you could add a method to the handler and connect it to a button.

class Handler:

    def button_pushed(self):
        self.enabled_model.value = True

Most places where you use a string value or a reference can be replaced with a binding.


Often when using bindings, you will need to convert the value from one format to another. For instance, you might want the user to enter an integer into a text field. You can do this by attaching a converter to a binding.

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.year_model = Model.PropertyModel(2001)
        self.year_converter = Converter.IntegerToStringConverter()

year_field = ui.create_line_edit(text="Enabled", text="@binding(year_model.value, converter=year_converter)")

Now the value in year_model will be stored as an integer, but the line edit requires a string. The converter will do the conversion automatically.

Bindings Technical Details

This section refers to classes defined in the project NionUtils.

In the examples above, the bindings use a Model.PropertyModel to store the value. The PropertyModel class interacts with bindings using a simple protocol.

First, it supports getting and setting a property, named value in this case.

Next, it provides a Event.Event named “property_changed” that gets fired whenever the value is set.

You can explicitly provide this functionality and bind to objects other than a Model.PropertyModel.

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        self.property_changed_event = Event.Event()
        self.__name = "March"

    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def name(self, value):
        self.__name = value

name_field = ui.create_line_edit(text="Your Name?", text="@binding(name)")

Application and Windows

The declarative UI provides top level support for windows and dialogs.

You can declare a window using ui.create_window (see below). Once you have a window declaration, you can run the window using Application.run_window in your main function.

def main(args, bootstrap_args):
    ui = Declarative.DeclarativeUI()
    content = ui.create_column(ui.create_label(text="Hello World"))
    window = ui.create_window(content, title="Hello World", margin=12)
    handler = object()  # a dummy handler in this example
    return Application.run_window(args, bootstrap_args, window, handler)
class DeclarativeUI
create_modeless_dialog(content: Mapping[str, Any], *, title: str | None = None, resources: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a modeless dialog UI description with content, title, resources, and margin.


content – UI description of the content

Keyword Arguments:
  • title – title of the window

  • resources – additional resources

  • margin – margin in points


a UI description of the dialog

create_window(content: Mapping[str, Any], *, title: str | None = None, resources: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, window_style: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a window UI description with content, title, resources, and margin.


content – UI description description of the content

Keyword Arguments:
  • title – title of the window

  • resources – additional resources

  • margin – margin in points


a UI description of the window


Content layout is done using rows, columns, groups, and stacks. Tabs and groups participate in layout, but will be discussed below under the widgets section since they can’t be used as the top-most layout.

A row, column, or stack can be used as a base for additional content. Each element contains other elements (referred to as children in this guide).

Rows and columns layout their children horizontally or vertically. The children can optionally be separated by spacing and the entire row or column can have a margin spacing.

In addition, you can explicitly add spacing or stretches to rows and columns. Spacing ensures the spacing for that item never goes smaller than the spacing value. And stretch attempts to take up free space in the layout, effectly squishing the other items to their minimum sizes. If there are more than one stretches, the free space will be distributed equally between them.

Stacks layout their children on top of one another with only a single child visible at any given time. Stacks are useful when presenting optional content where the specific content is controlled by another UI element. Stacks can have a margin spacing.

Scroll areas layout their content in a scrollable area with scroll bars.

class DeclarativeUI
create_column(*children: Mapping[str, Any], name: str | None = None, items: str | None = None, item_component_id: str | None = None, spacing: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a column UI description with children or dynamic items, spacing, and margin.

The children can be passed as parameters or constructed from an observable list specified by items and item_component_id.

If the children are constructed from an observable list, a component instance will be created for each item in the list. Adding or removing items from the list will dynamically update the children. The associated handler must implement the resources property with a value for the key item_component_id describing the component UI. It must also implement create_handler to create a handler for each component. The create_handler call will receive two extra keyword arguments container and item in additional to the component_id.


children – children to put into the column

Keyword Arguments:
  • items – handler observable list property from which to build child components

  • item_component_id – resource identifier of component ui description for child components

  • spacing – spacing between items, in points

  • margin – margin, in points


a UI description of the column

create_row(*children: Mapping[str, Any], name: str | None = None, items: str | None = None, item_component_id: str | None = None, spacing: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a row UI description with children or dynamic items, spacing, and margin.

The children can be passed as parameters or constructed from an observable list specified by items and item_component_id.

If the children are constructed from an observable list, a component instance will be created for each item in the list. Adding or removing items from the list will dynamically update the children. The associated handler must implement the resources property with a value for the key item_component_id describing the component UI. It must also implement create_handler to create a handler for each component. The create_handler call will receive two extra keyword arguments container and item in additional to the component_id.


children – children to put into the row

Keyword Arguments:
  • items – handler observable list property from which to build child components

  • item_component_id – resource identifier of component ui description for child components

  • spacing – spacing between items, in points

  • margin – margin, in points


a UI description of the row

create_scroll_area(content: Mapping[str, Any], name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a scroll area UI description with content and a name.


content – UI description of the content

Keyword Arguments:

name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)


UI description of the scroll area

create_spacing(size: int) Dict[str, Any]

Create a spacing UI description for a row or column.

Keyword Arguments:

size – spacing, in points


a UI description of the spacing

create_stack(*children: Mapping[str, Any], items: str | None = None, item_component_id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, current_index: str | None = None, on_current_index_changed: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a stack UI description with children or dynamic items, the current index and optional changed event.

The children can be passed as parameters or constructed from an observable list specified by items and item_component_id.

If the children are constructed from an observable list, a component instance will be created for each item in the list. Adding or removing items from the list will dynamically update the children. The associated handler must implement the resources property with a value for the key item_component_id describing the component UI. It must also implement create_handler to create a handler for each component. The create_handler call will receive two extra keyword arguments container and item in additional to the component_id.

The current_index controls which child is displayed.

The on_current_index_changed callback reference takes widget and current_index parameters. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, int], None].


children – stack items

Keyword Arguments:
  • items – handler observable list property from which to build child components

  • item_component_id – resource identifier of component ui description for child components

  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • current_index – current index handler reference (bindable, optional)

  • on_current_index_changed – callback when current index changes (optional)


a UI description of the stack

create_stretch() Dict[str, Any]

Create a stretch UI description for a row or column.


a UI description of the stretch


You can create labels, push buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, line edits, progress bars, radio buttons, sliders, groups, and tabs.

Each is described below.

class DeclarativeUI
create_check_box(*, text: str | None = None, icon: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, checked: str | None = None, check_state: str | None = None, tristate: bool | None = None, on_checked_changed: str | None = None, on_check_state_changed: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a check box UI description with text, name, state information, and events.

The checked and check_state both refer to the check state. Some callers may choose to use the simpler checked which is a simple boolean. check_state is a string and must be one of ‘checked’, ‘unchecked’, or ‘partial’. ‘partial’ is only valid if tristate is True.

The on_checked_changed callback is invoked when the user changes the state of the check box. The widget and the new state of the check box are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, bool], None].

The on_check_state_changed callback is invoked when the user changes the state of the check box, but it also includes the ‘partial’ state if enabled. The widget and the new state of the check box are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, str], None].

Keyword Arguments:
  • text – text of the label (bindable)

  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • checked – checked state (bool)

  • check_state – checked state (string: checked, unchecked, or partial)

  • tristate – whether the check box is tristate or not

  • on_checked_changed – callback when checked changes (optional)

  • on_check_state_changed – callback when check state changes (optional)


UI description of the check box

create_combo_box(*, name: str | None = None, items: Sequence[str] | None = None, items_ref: str | None = None, current_index: str | None = None, on_current_index_changed: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a combo box UI description with name, items, current index, and events.

The on_current_index_changed callback is invoked when the user changes the selected item in the combo box. The widget and the new index of the selected item are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, int], None].

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • items – list combo box items (strings, optional)

  • items_ref – handler reference of combo box items (bindable, optional)

  • current_index – current index handler reference (bindable, optional)

  • on_current_index_changed – callback when current index changes (optional)


UI description of the combo box

create_group(content: Mapping[str, Any], name: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a group UI description with content, a name, a title, and a margin.


content – UI description of the content

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • title – title of the group

  • margin – margin in points


UI description of the group

create_label(*, text: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a label UI description with text and an optional name.

Keyword Arguments:
  • text – text of the label (bindable)

  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • width – width in points (optional, default None)


UI description of the label

create_line_edit(*, text: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, editable: bool | None = None, placeholder_text: str | None = None, clear_button_enabled: bool | None = None, on_editing_finished: str | None = None, on_escape_pressed: str | None = None, on_return_pressed: str | None = None, on_key_pressed: str | None = None, on_text_edited: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a line edit UI description with text, name, placeholder, options, and events.

The on_editing_finished callback is invoked when the user presses return or escape or when they change keyboard focus away from the line edit. The line edit widget and string are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, str], None].

The on_escape_pressed and on_return_pressed callbacks are invoked when the user presses escape or return. The line edit widget is passed and these methods must return True if they handle the key or False otherwise. Their type signatures in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget], bool].

The on_key_pressed callback is invoked when the user types a key. The line edit widget and a key instance are passed. This method should return True if the key is handled (it will not go into the line edit field) and return False if not handled (it will be entered as regular text). The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, UIKey], bool].

The on_text_edited callback is invoked when the user changes the text. The line edit widget and the new text are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, str], None].

Keyword Arguments:
  • text – handler reference to line edit text (bindable, required)

  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • editable – whether the line edit text is editable (optional, default True)

  • placeholder_text – text to display when line edit is empty (optional)

  • clear_button_enabled – whether the clear button is enabled (optional, default False)

  • width – width in points (optional, default None)

  • on_editing_finished – callback when editing is finished (return or blur focus)

  • on_escape_pressed – callback when escape is pressed, return true if handled

  • on_return_pressed – callback when return is pressed, return true if handled

  • on_key_pressed – callback when a key is pressed, return true if handled

  • on_text_edited – callback when text is edited


UI description of the line edit

create_progress_bar(*, name: str | None = None, value: str | None = None, minimum: int | None = None, maximum: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a progress bar UI description with name, value, and limits.

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • value – handler reference to the current value (required, bindable)

  • minimum – minimum value (default 0)

  • maximum – maximum value (default 100)


UI description of the progress bar

create_push_button(*, text: str | None = None, icon: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, on_clicked: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a push button UI description with text, name, an event.

The on_clicked callback is invoked when the user clicks the button. The widget is passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget], None].

Keyword Arguments:
  • text – text of the label (bindable)

  • icon – icon, bindable to numpy uint32 bgra array

  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • width – width in points (optional, default None)

  • on_clicked – callback when button clicked


UI description of the push button

create_radio_button(*, name: str | None = None, text: str | None = None, icon: str | None = None, value: Any = None, group_value: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a radio button UI description with text, name, value, and group value.

A set of radio buttons should be created such that each has a different value but shares a common group_value. The type of value must match the type of group_value.

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • text – text of the label (bindable)

  • value – unique value within its group (required)

  • group_value – common value handler reference (bindable, required)


UI description of the radio button

create_slider(*, name: str | None = None, value: str | None = None, minimum: int | None = None, maximum: int | None = None, on_value_changed: str | None = None, on_slider_pressed: str | None = None, on_slider_released: str | None = None, on_slider_moved: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a slider UI description with name, value, limits, and events.

The on_value_changed callback is invoked whenever the slider value changes, including if set programmatically. The widget and the new value are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, int], None].

The on_slider_pressed callback is invoked when the user begins dragging the slider. The widget is passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget], None].

The on_slider_released callback is invoked when the user stops dragging the slider. The widget is passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget], None].

The on_slider_moved callback is invoked whenever the slider value changes while the user is dragging. The widget and the new value are passed to the callback. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, int], None].

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • value – handler reference to the current value (required, bindable)

  • minimum – minimum value (default 0)

  • maximum – maximum value (default 100)

  • on_value_changed – callback when value changes, any source (optional)

  • on_slider_pressed – callback when slider is pressed (optional)

  • on_slider_released – callback when slider is released (optional)

  • on_slider_moved – callback when slider moves, user initiated only (optional)


UI description of the slider

create_tab(label: str, content: Mapping[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]

Create a tab UI description with a label and content.

  • label – label for the tab

  • content – UI description of the content


a UI description of the tab

create_tabs(*tabs: Mapping[str, Any], name: str | None = None, current_index: str | None = None, on_current_index_changed: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Create a tabs UI description with children, the current index and optional changed event.

The children must be tabs created by create_tab().

The current_index controls which tab is displayed.

The on_current_index_changed callback reference takes widget and current_index parameters. The type signature in the handler should be typing.Callable[[UIWidget, int], None].


children – child tabs

Keyword Arguments:
  • name – handler property in which to store widget (optional)

  • current_index – current index handler reference (bindable, optional)

  • on_current_index_changed – callback when current index changes (optional)


a UI description of the tabs


It provides experimental support for compositions (reusable UI sections).


Widgets that construct their content dynamically get the dynamic content via resources. Resources can be returned by as a dict from the associated handler’s resources property, or by implementing get_resources on the handler, or both.

class Handler:
    def __init__(self):
        u = Declarative.DeclarativeUI()
        self.resources = {"component": u.define_component(u.create_label(text="Component"))}

    def get_resource(resource_id: str, **kwargs) -> typing.Optional[UIDescription]:
        if resource_id == "component2":
            return u.define_component(u.create_label(text="Component 2"))
        return None

Indices and tables